Thematic Atlas of the Ústí nad Labem Region

Publicly available data about the region, presented in the form of clear graphs, map outputs, statistics and other user-friendly materials. The Atlas offers a clear compilation of information on various areas of life in the region and serves as a gateway to other data of the Ústí nad Labem Region.

Ústí nad Labem Region, one of the 14 self-governing regions of the Czech Republic, has been developing its territory for almost a quarter of a century with an emphasis on industrial and economic transformation, improvement of social capital, sustainable urban development and landscape renewal. The overarching document that defines the biggest problems, tasks and challenges for the harmonious development of the territory is the Development Strategy of the Ústí Region.

Grant programmes

Support for regional development

The Ústí nad Labem Region has long focused on supporting the development of the region through various subsidy programmes that help implement projects in key areas. The aim of the region is to support innovative solutions and projects that lead to the long-term prosperity of the region.

Fire protection and IRS

Culture and heritage care

Environment and agriculture


Entrepreneurship, innovation and transformation

Public health

Social area

Education, Youth and Sports

Regional development

Strategic project

Transformation of the region

The Transformation Centre of the Ústí nad Labem Region is a strategic project creating a system of comprehensive services for the transformation towards a modern post-coal region. The Transformation Centre of the Ústí nad Labem Region brings to the region the necessary services and information in four main areas

Smart Region

Thanks to an open data platform that collects, analyses and visualises data, companies and public administration will always have accurate information for decision-making.

Innovative region

The Transformation Centre will bring better jobs – it will support small and medium-sized companies with innovative ideas and open the way to modern technologies and digitisation.

Sustainable region

Transition to a modern 21st century energy system: energy management, renewable energy development, community energy promotion, hydrogen use.

Region for life

Thanks to an open data platform that collects, analyses and visualises data, companies and public administration will always have accurate information for decision-making.

Partner regions of the Ústí nad Labem Region

  1. Free State of Saxony (DE)
  2. Ostróda District (PL)
  3. Republic of Serbia
  4. Žilina Autonomous Region (SK)
  5. Zakarpattia Oblast (UA)

Are you interested in more?

Are you an analyst or staff member and want to have access to more information and interesting facts? Get your login credentials for the expanded Ústí nad Labem Open Data Set.

In addition to the thematic atlas dataset, you can also freely consult the open data of the Ústí nad Labem Region.