Historically, the Ústí nad Labem region has been an area with a highly affected environment. Even today, there are a large number of thermal power plants and, in general, particularly large and large air polluters, which is associated with the highest absolute production of nitrogen oxides and sulphur dioxide emissions and the second highest production of particulate matter compared to other regions.
The environment in the region is improving in the long term
However, the environment in the region has been improving over the long term. The production of pollutants is being reduced and air and water quality are improving. Over the last 10 years, the number of people living in areas with above-grade air pollution has decreased significantly. The number of watercourses that are classified as highly polluted is decreasing.
Despite the negative image of the region, there are a number of sites with valuable nature. The Czech Switzerland National Park and four protected landscape areas (České středohoří, Labské pískovce, Lužické hory, a small part of the Kokořínsko-Máchův kraj Protected Landscape Area) are located in the territory of the region, and the Krušné hory Protected Landscape Area is being prepared for designation. There are 14 national natural monuments and 13 national nature reserves in the region.