
The Ústí nad Labem Region is characterised by a high level of urbanisation, especially in the areas of Most, Teplice and Ústí nad Labem, where most of the industrial capacities are concentrated. On the other hand, rural areas, especially in the Bohemian Central Highlands and the Ore Mountains, suffer from population decline. The region is demographically and socially diverse, which brings both challenges and opportunities for development. The historically industrial region has undergone and is undergoing major economic and social transformations, yet its inhabitants have been able to find new opportunities and adapt to changing conditions.

Population status

The population of the Ústí nad Labem region in 2023 was approximately 812,500. The largest city is Ústí nad Labem (91,963 inhabitants), the smallest municipality is Staňkovice in the Litoměřice district (32 inhabitants). The most populous district is the Teplice district (128,000 inhabitants), while the district with the smallest population is the Louny district (87,000 inhabitants).

The population of the Ústí nad Labem region has been decreasing for a long time. Over the past ten years, the population has decreased by about 15,500 inhabitants, i.e., by almost 2 %. Almost the entire territory of the region is facing population loss.

The population of the region is also ageing rapidly. The age index (indicating number of people aged 65 and over per 100 people aged 0-14) has increased by a third in 12 years. The oldest population is in the Děčín and Varnsdorf municipalities.

The ageing and decline of the population can also be seen in the age pyramid of the region’s population. The largest category is the middle-aged population (40-54 years old).

A positive phenomenon is the continuous growth in the educational levelof the population. The share of university graduates in the population has increased by 15 %. However, the region still lags behind the national average of 23 % of the population with a university degree.

Population development

The population in the Ústí nad Labem region is not evenly distributed. The basin from Děčín to Chomutov is one of the most densely populated areas in the Czech Republic. On the contrary, the population is low in the Ore Mountains and in the rural areas of the region. The lowest population density is in the village of Kryštofovy Hamry (2.44 inhabitants per km2), while in the most densely populated town (Teplice) this value is almost 100 times higher.

The opposite trend is observed for commuting. Large cities provide a supply of job opportunities, while residents of rural areas must commute to work. In some municipalities, more than half of the total population commutes daily to work.

A negative demographic trend in the Ústí nad Labem region is low natural population turnover: fewer people are born and more people die. This trend is partly offset by migration to the region. The significantly positive balance of migration in 2022 is due to the arrival of refugees from Ukraine.

On the other hand, a positive side is the gradual increase in the life expectancy of the population, i.e., growth in life expectancy. The Ústí nad Labem region is already close to the average for the Czech Republic, and this trend can be expected to continue. One of the reasons for this is the improvement of the environment after 1989.

Participation in local elections shows people’s interest in public life in their region. Here the region still lags behind the national average; the average turnout in local elections in the country is 46 %.